I am not entirely sure which four professional contacts we are talking about, but I will do my best on this post. I have already acquired my four professional contact business cards. I have one banker from Bank of America, I have a small business banker from Wells Fargo, my insurance agent from State Farm, my lawyer Mr. Busch, and one technical advisor Mischa Barton who was previously a media director at Real Media Group here in Las Vegas before relocating to Ohio.
Wells Fargo informed me that their tellers are all considered bankers as well, but I had already gotten my banker card from Bank of America. Both agencies were extremely helpful and told me that if I had any future questions I could call them any time and they’d be glad to answer any questions I had. The small business banker seemed extremely eager to help me; which is nice.
My lawyer was actually my sister’s attorney during her divorce; however, he said he knows a few intellectual property lawyers and an entertainment lawyer. So he said to hold on to his card and let him know if I ever need anything he can get me in touch with whoever I would need to be in touch with.
The State Farm associate was an oops. I happened to be walking by the State Farm office across the street by Smith’s and wandered in to inquire whether or not they had business insurance packages. They said that any of their staff would be able to help me and handed me a card.
The technical advisor, while we weren’t told that we needed one as of yet, came through a random freelance gig I had obtained a while ago. She was helping us film a television pilot for a show called “Sound Check” she was extremely helpful during the whole shoot and offered us advice on who to deal with getting funding for things, dealing with talent, and getting proper permits.
As far as networking goes, I am trying to make myself familiar with it a bit more. I am not as good at networking as I should be, but we had an exercise on networking in my Advanced Communications class that helped me quite a bit. I learned that I need to work on posture and articulation. I get nervous and when I do, my articulation gets hindered. Knowing this will help me in the future though and hopefully I can get better at networking to get to know others in my field and create opportunities.
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